From Thorp Spring to TCU: The Visionary Journey of Addison and Randolph Clark
Two brothers. One grand vision.
In 1869, Addison and Randolph Clark set out to create a college that would provide both a classical education and a strong moral foundation for young men and women. Their dream led to the founding of one of the first co-ed institutions west of the Mississippi River—Add-Ran Male and Female College.
Both ministers and educators based in Fort Worth, the Clarks sought to distance their school from the distractions of “Hell’s Half Acre,” a rowdy district fueled by the booming cattle industry and the arrival of the railroad. They found their ideal location in Thorp Spring, a serene community on the Texas prairie, and opened the college doors in 1873 with just 13 students.
The Clarks’ vision quickly gained traction. Within five years, enrollment swelled to 450 students, and the brothers and their spouses sold everything they owned to invest in a larger building to accommodate the growing demand. But to ensure the long-term survival of the school, an endowment was essential.
In 1895, the college relocated to Waco and was renamed Add-Ran Christian University. Then, in 1902, the institution officially adopted the name Texas Christian University (TCU). Unfortunately, the Waco campus was destroyed by fire in 1910, leading TCU to move to its current home in Fort Worth.
Though TCU has grown into a world-renowned university, its roots in Thorp Spring remain an integral part of its history. The original name of the school, Add-Ran Male and Female College, lives on through TCU’s Add-Ran College of Liberal Arts, keeping the spirit of the Clarks’ vision alive.
Addison and Randolph Clark’s dream of a college where character and education go hand in hand continues to shape the future of generations at TCU, a legacy that began on the open prairie of Thorp Springs in Hood County Texas.
Add-Ran College, the predecessor to Texas Christian University (TCU), was named in memory of Addison Clark’s deceased son, AddRan, who died at age three.

Add-Ran Male and Female College opens with 13 students in Thorp Spring, Hood County, Texas. Source: History of Texas Chrstian University, Colby D. Hall (TCU Press, 1947)

In the charter, the new college’s goal is “for the support and promotion of literary and scientific education.” The first course catalog lists offerings in six departments: ancient languages, English, mathematics, physical science, mental and moral science, and social and civil history. Source: History of Texas Christian University, Colby D. Hall (TCU Press, 1947)

Directions To Thorp Spring College
Heading East From Dallas, Texas on I-20 enter Fort Worth and go to Exit 429A, Hwy 377 S. toward Granbury. Continue on Hwy. 377 into Granbury and head toward the city square. In the square you will turn right on N. Travis. When you cross the RR tracks it will become Thorpe Springs Rd.; About 3 or 4 miles you will enter Thorp Spring. In Thorp Spring you will turn left on Lipan. Turn left on Caraway or the next block, Calhoun. Thorp Spring College was located in this block. The ruins face Thorp. Note the old campus is just across from the Thorp Springs Church of Christ.